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The Family of God (Genesis 11:10-26)

While Ham’s corrupt city falls apart under God’s judgement, one family is called out of the confusion and set on the road to a new city.

The Man of Sorrows (John 11:32-38)

A good friend of Jesus dies, and his other friends want to know why he didn’t stop it from happening. Isn’t he the Son of God? Doesn’t he care? Is there any hope of life? Yes. Yes. And Yes.

Joy in the Journey (Philippians 3:1-21)

Paul finishes his letter…then decides to keep going. He wants to make sure his friends understand they already have their citizenship in heaven, and that part of the fun is unwrapping that gift!

No Greater Joy (Philippians 2:1-18)

Paul tells his friends that tolerance is a terrible foundation for community. Only compassion, humility – and death – are strong enough to stop the whining and bring true unity.

The Foundations of the Covenant (Genesis 2:4-14)

A special creature is scraped together out of the dust of a wilderness planet and receives the image of God. Meanwhile, in the mountains of the east, a valley fills with life and begins to spill over into the wastelands below…

The Priest of the Covenant (Genesis 2:15-17)

God commissions the man to act as Prime Minister and Priest of the garden-temple, to work it and protect it. But protect it from what?

The People of the Covenant (Genesis 2:18-25)

God commissions a woman to act as helper to the high priest, to work him and protect him. But protect him from what?

The Breaking of the Covenant (Genesis 3:1-8)

God told the man not to seize the fruit of knowledge for himself, but now a serpent shows up and says he really should. Why? Where did this serpent come from? And why is it a serpent and not something else?

The Consequences of the Covenant: the Serpent (Genesis 3:9-15)

Judgement Day begins. The serpent is condemned to endure millennia of war and inevitable defeat. But why? Isn’t the serpent just an animal? How can it be held accountable?

The Consequences of the Covenant: the Woman (Genesis 3:16)

Judgement Day continues. The woman is condemned to experience pain in childbirth and the domination of her husband. Or is she? Surely something more must be going on here?

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