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The Murder of the First Messiah (Genesis 4:1-16)

Two brothers in the wilderness at the eastern gate of the garden have a decision to make: will they trust God to provide, or will they go their own way?

The City of Man 1.0 (Genesis 4:17-26)

Cain travels eastward, away from the garden of God, and sets up his own garden, his own city, his own religion, centered around himself.

The City of God 1.0 (Genesis 5:1-32)

While Cain’s corrupt city continues to grow in power, conquering and enslaving the lands around it, an alternative civilization takes root just outside the gates of the garden.

The Last Days of Old Earth (Genesis 6:1-8)

Cain’s civilization defeats Seth’s. With the sons of God finally out of the way, no one else remains to resist their plans for world domination — or is there?

The Joy of Being Stabbed in the Back (Philippians 1:12-30)

Paul has heard that, while he is in prison, some other preachers have been trying to discredit him. But then he goes on to explain why this is such a good thing!

What To Do When Things Are Going Right (Philippians 1:1-11)

Paul starts a letter to his friends in Philippi, and he seems to be in an extraordinarily good mood. What is the source of his joy?

The God Who is There (Genesis 1:1-2)

The first two verses of scripture reveal that there is One God, that he is a Personal God, and that he has the power of creation and destruction. But is that all there is to know about him?

He is There and He is Not Silent (Genesis 1:3-13)

God begins to share who he is with the universe. Revelation produces structure. Structure makes room for life. And life leads to further revelation.

The System of the Apocalypse (Genesis 1:14-25)

God fills the structures he made with life and, in the process, reveals what exactly is going on.

The Priesthood of the Apocalypse (Genesis 1:26-31)

Worshipers need worship leaders. And the worship leaders need to know God intimately if they are to lead others closer to the source of life. So God creates a special set of living creatures who can do just that.

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